Change Measured By Beer

I was at a party last weekend digging through the cooler.  The host noticed and asked me what I was looking for.  I pulled out a Miller Lite and unenthusiastically said “This will be OK.”  He quickly responded by doing a little uncovering until he found the Fat Tires that were also in the cooler.  My “this will be OK” turned into a “Yippee” as I made the exchange.

In college I drank a lot of beer without actually liking it.  It was a means to an end.  Once enough were consumed it turned dull, quiet Leslee into a fun girl.  Over time I acquired a taste for it.   But ultimately my relationship with beer was all about the buzz.  It was not to feed my senses but rather to dull them.  It was that thing I did to pass the time until conditions arrived in which being the real me all the time (not just with my closest friends) felt right.

Today I sent Mark a grocery list.  On it I wrote “beer” followed by a happy face.  He will not come home with a six pack of Miller Lite like he would have years ago.  He’ll bring home something rich, dark and delicious.  After the girls are in bed and a movie is in the DVD player I will drink a beer or two.  Actually I won’t drink it, I will savor it.  In recent years Beer has become the new chocolate for me.  I like all different kinds, but dark is my favorite.  I know that it isn’t a “healthy food” so I indulge in it in moderation.  I now understand what it is to be a “beer snob” (although I’ve been told we’re not supposed to call ourselves that).  I laugh thinking back to the me who sat in the Taproom and ordered a Miller Lite.  What a waste…

So why, you may ask, am I writing about beer?  Well I think it is a good metaphor for my current lease on life.  There was a time when I kept the vision of my life pretty simple.  I believed I was very limited.  I didn’t veer very far from the norm.  I didn’t consider myself to be creative and I lived each moment with some far off end goal in mind.  “I’ll enjoy life when I get XY or Z…”  The thing is eventually I reached those goals.  I’m a happily married, mother of two living in the perfect town.  Now that I’m here I have to branch out a bit.  I’ve added new flavors and become more creative.  I’m focused on savoring the moment, planting the seeds for dreams but trying to relax and give them space to grow.